2024 event schedule! We’ll update this as the year progresses, and you can also check out social media posts and member emails for event updates.

APRIL 20/24

Devil’s Club Brewery | Earth to Beer release! Come enjoy our collaborative creation, a locally foraged IPA with Labrador tea and spruce tips. 10% of Earth to Beer sales are donated to SEALT.


Juneau Community Wetlands Cleanup | Join SEALT, Litter Free, and other organizations to beautify our wetlands and the greater Juneau community!

MAY 25

Alaska Public Gardens Day at JOA | Join SEALT at the Jensen-Olsen Arboretum to celebrate Primula Day & Alaska Public Gardens Day,  and enjoy the property with music and refreshments.

june 15

Bird Walk with the Juneau Audubon Society | Hit the trails around Sunny Point with us to scope out the bird life around the wetlands! Beginners welcome!

Southeast Alaska LGBTQ+ Alliance Pride Month Logo with rainbow-colored imagery of the plants and animals of Southeast Alaska

JUne 29

Strawberry Creek Wander | This is an all-ages LGBTQ+ inclusive guided hike in a wild area called the Very Beary Berry Wetlands along Strawberry Creek! Space is limited, please click to register 🙂


Nature Walk with Discovery Southeast | Take a walk with us around Mendenhall Peninsula with local experts and learn about wetlands habitats and much more.


Art Gallery + Holiday Open House| Because art + conservation encourage each other! We partnered with six local artists who created 30 original paintings inspired by (and painted on) lands we conserve. Drop by our office on December 6, beginning 4 pm, to enjoy the art collections, a treat or glass of wine, and chat with SEALT staff, board members and fellow art lovers!