Talks & Slideshows
Wetlands birds and conservation on Taashuyee-Chookan.aani
As of Spring 2024, the Southeast Alaska Land Trust is nearing completion on an extensive Habitat Mapping Project of Taashuyee-Chookan.aani (river flats-grassy land). The project encompasses a 5,252 acre study area, including the Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge. This video is a bonus product using imagery and data from the project, providing great insight on bird populations and conservation on Taashuyee.
While surveying for the Habitat Mapping Project in 2023-24, Bosworth Botanical Consulting revisited questions about habitat for resident and migratory birds that first emerged during a 2002-03 bird survey on the wetlands*. This narrated slideshow/video focuses on winter birds and anticipates spring migration. Advent of citizen science tools such as eBird has created enormous opportunities for fans of the wetlands to contribute to discussion about conservation of Áak’w Aaní’s tidal centerpiece. We particularly need more information from within the large data-gap area described in the video.
Photo courtesy of Brian Weed
Juneau’s Hidden History & the lost Rocker Mine
Presented by: Brian Weed
Presented on: March 16, 2019
In this video, Brian Weed introduces Alaska’s largest hiking group: Juneau’s Hidden History, and guides us on a tour of the Lost Rocker Mine. Brian weaves a tale of fact, fiction, and rumors surrounding the mine. Learn about Fred Culver and his legendary gold strike, and the quest to rediscover the lost location of the strike.
Link to recorded presentation:
*Courtesy of Brian Weed
Photo courtesy of Richard Carstensen
Natural & Cultural History of Kaxdigoowu Heen (Montana & McGinnis Creek)
Presented by: Richard Carstensen & John Hudson
Presented on: January 12, 2019
Juneau naturalists Richard Carstensen and John Hudson lead a wide-ranging tour and discussion of the Montana and McGinnis Creek watersheds, in Juneau.
Link to recorded presentation:
*Courtesy of Richard Carstensen
Link to Juneau Empire article:
Photo courtesy of Flip Nicklin
The Northwest Passage: a tale of two transits, 21 years apart
Presented by: Theresa Svancara & Linda Nicklin
Presented on: March 21, 2017
Join two Juneau women who have transited the Northwest Passage. See and compare images of their journeys and hear about changes occurring in the Arctic. These two journeys, 21 years apart, give perspective on changes and constants in Arctic travel, conditions, and human impacts in this beautiful region of the world.
Link to recorded presentation:
*Courtesy of Bill Leighty
Photo courtesy of City of Juneau Museum Archives
The Girl Gold Miners of Pearl Harbor
Presented by: Merrill Jensen
Presented on: January 14, 2017
Merrill Jensen, horticulturist and manager of the Jensen-Olson Arboretum recounts the lives of one of the original Juneau families – the Petersons. Watch and listen as he illustrates the history of the Peterson sisters, their role as miners and entrepreneurs at the turn of the century, and the legacy that they left the community of Juneau. See the transformation of the original homestead into the Jensen Olson Arboretum that occupies the site today.
Link to recorded presentation:
*Courtesy of Bill Leighty
The Sounds of Conservation
Presented by: Richard Nelson and Hank Lentfer
Presented on: January 9, 2016
Alaskan authors Hank Lentfer and Richard Nelson have been recording the sounds of Alaska for over a decade. Listen closely as Nelson and Lentfer take youy on an auditory odyssey from the flocks of sandhill cranes in Gustavus and onward, throughout the wildlands of Southeast Alaska.
Link to recorded presentation:
*Courtesy of Bill Leighty